Red Willow 1pc body blanks

Category: Red Willow 1pc body blanks

Code: RW13B47097E

Dimension top: 47 x 360 x 570

You can adjust the position of the wood pattern by using the dragging tool over the image

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Burl Poplar top

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Dimension top: 2x(17 x 180 x 535)

Price: 182.69 USD(19,901.86 RSD)

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Burl Poplar top

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Dimension top: 2x(17 x 180 x 535)

Price: 182.69 USD(19,901.86 RSD)

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Burl Poplar

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Dimension top: 2x(7 x 180 x 530)

Price: 171.88 USD(18,724.24 RSD)

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BASS Burl Poplar top

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Dimension top: 2x(7 x 200 x 550)

Price: 139.45 USD(15,191.36 RSD)