Spalted Maple BnS

Category: Spalted Maple

Code: SpM16BnS04083E

Dimens. back: 2x( 532 x 8 1932 x 21 1116 )

Dimens. sides: 2x( 532 x 5 332 x 35 1132 )

You can adjust the position of the wood pattern by using the dragging tool over the image

Price: 158.00 EUR(18,606.47 RSD)

classical guitar
acoustic steel string guitar

Spalted Maple is technically not a specific species of Maple,Spalting is any form of wood coloration caused by fungi and can also occur even in living trees. It is a stable tonewood with a loud bright reflective voice. Maple is well known for imparting bright tone to an instrument.

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