Alder European FS 2pc body blank

Category: Alder European 2pc body blanks

Code: A16B45008

Dimension top: 1 34 x 7 1316 x 21 12

You can adjust the position of the wood pattern by using the dragging tool over the image

Flat sawn

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Walnut Fingerboard

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Dimension top: 1332 x 3 1732 x 21 332

Price: 31.35 USD(3,415.11 RSD)

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Walnut Neck Wood

Code: 024 QS I
Dimension top: 3132 x 3 2932 x 29 1116

Price: 42.16 USD(4,592.74 RSD)

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Dimension top: 2932 x 3 18 x 27 12

Price: 32.43 USD(3,532.87 RSD)

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Walnut Neck Wood

Code: 033 QS I
Dimension top: 1 78 x 4 332 x 26 3132

Price: 56.21 USD(6,123.65 RSD)