African Mahogany I grade body wood

Category: African Mahagony body wood

Code: AM50BWIgr

Dimension top: 50 x 200 x 520

You can adjust the position of the wood pattern by using the dragging tool over the image

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Burl Poplar Top

Code: bp12T11290E
Dimension top: 2x(11 x 180 x 530)

Price: 96.00 EUR(11,305.20 RSD)

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Walnut Neck I HQS light flamed

Code: 017
Dimension top: 35 x 80 x 860

Price: 59.00 EUR(6,947.99 RSD)

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Spalted Maple BnS

Code: SpM16BnS04083E
Dimens. back: 2x(4 x 220 x 555)
Dimens. sides: 2x(4 x 130 x 905)

Price: 158.00 EUR(18,606.47 RSD)